Solutions for your business

Data centers & server rooms

Warehouses & storage rooms

Smart cities & municipal

Hotels & house rentals

BTS stations & technology

Industry & manufacturing

Pharmacy & medical

Logistics & transportation

Stores & retail

Schools & public buildings



Safe range


Permission groups

User management


Device groups


What can I do with SensDesk?

Remote monitoring
Temperature, humidity, power consumption, intrusion,
water detection and many more ...

Event alerts
Get alarmed over SMS or e-mail and be sure you can
respond to event in time.

Reports and graphs
Generate automatic reports and access data history
with just a click.

Remote output control
Use conditions to automatically respond to alarms or
control outputs manually.

User friendly and reliable
Easy for home users, robust, customizable and
scalable for business.

Made for HW group IoT devices
SensDesk works with HW group monitoring units and sensors. Click here to check them all.

Access from anywhere
You can access sensdesk from your desktop or mobile phone.

SensDesk can connect to third party systems
You can send your data to other applications using XML, MQTT, SNMP or ModBus TCP